At Bernards Heath Junior School we both admire and follow the aims of the National Curriculum. It clearly sets out the framework through which pupils are introduced to the essential knowledge that they need to be educated citizens.
Our Curriculum Intent is centred around these drivers:
Engaging: We aim for children to build connections within their learning and believe that by effectively engaging pupils in this way we increase the likelihood of them remembering learning and avoiding cognitive overload. ‘If nothing in the long-term memory has been altered, nothing has been learned’. It is important that we use approaches that help pupils to integrate new knowledge into the long-term memory by making enduring connections and linking to their prior learning. This is best achieved through thoughtful sequencing of learning and we regularly review our curriculum with this in mind. We also believe that creative experiences are more memorable for pupils and aim to include creativity throughout learning.
Enriching: We believe in providing opportunity for our children while they are with us. We want them to aspire. Our curriculum is regularly enriched through trips, speakers, events and opportunities. Our extra-curricular programme of activities gives pupils opportunities outside the school day that they may not be able to access otherwise and through these experiences we aim to reduce social disadvantage.
Diversity: We recognise that our community is diverse and take steps to ensure pupils learn about differing parts of the world and their culture. We believe this is an essential part of cultural capital. Understanding that we have differing beliefs, values and ways of life from others helps generate Mutual Respect and Tolerance.
Community: We have intentionally set out to build a community and our community spirit, be this through initial transition work or the ethos we promote. We also want children to extend this community into our locality. We feel it is important for pupils to learn about their local area and where they live and believe that this builds Respect, which is one of our Core Values.
Communication: The world is changing and we are aware that the development of technology can both improve and hinder communication. Online gaming, social media, tablet and phone apps are decreasing the amount of time children communicate orally at home. We consider communication skills be to crucial to life and intentionally focus on them here at BHJS. Communication builds and maintains relationships, it facilitates learning and innovation and it builds an effective team. Across the curriculum, pupils are regularly given the opportunity to develop oracy skills as they communicate with each other, in groups or through presentations. social media stopping this.
Collaboration: We value the opportunity to work together. As educators in a large school, shared planning and ideas are constant. For our pupils, collaboration leads to improved social and interpersonal skills, has the capacity to take learning to a higher level than alone and is key to our Core values of Friendship and Respect .
Our aim is always to provide a stimulating, engaging and effective curriculum that enables all children to achieve their potential.