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Welcome to our Governors' section. 

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests and an Annual Statement of Issues for your information.

The Governing Body


BHJS has a committed team of 14 governors who play an important role in the leadership, performance, development and everyday life of the school. As governors, we are unpaid volunteers and are either elected or appointed to serve a four-year term of office. To comply with new DfE regulations, our governing body was re-constituted during 2014/15. Our membership consists of:

  1. 5 parent governors (elected by the parent body)
  2. 1 Local Authority (LA) governor (appointed by the LA, but candidates can be suggested by the governing body)
  3. 1 staff governor (elected by the school staff)
  4. 1 Headteacher
  5. 6 co-opted governors (appointed by agreement of the whole governing body)

All of our governors have equal rights to participate in the work of the governing body and to state individual views and are very much encouraged to do so, but we work as a team and are bound by the collective decisions of the team. Governors may serve for more than one term of office if they wish to nominate themselves again (for parents or members of staff), or are invited to do so by the full governing body (for the co-opted and LA roles).

Governors are required to comply with statutory safeguarding regulations and are only eligible to serve on our governing body with clearance from the Disclosure and Barring Service* and a Section 128 check.

(* The Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) have merged to become the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). CRB checks are now called DBS checks.)

More information on the role of school governor can be found on the Herts Direct website:

What is required to become a school governor at Bernards Heath Junior School?

As individuals, we each have different reasons for becoming a governor, we come from a variety of backgrounds, and between us bring a wide range of useful skills, experience and expertise to the governing body. It is not necessary to be an expert on educational matters to become a school governor, although it is vital to seek to understand fully the role and responsibilities involved to be able to support the school effectively and enable it to continue to develop and flourish. Enthusiasm, commitment and being a good team player are the key underlying personal qualities needed. It is expected that both new and experienced governors take full advantage of the wide range of training opportunities and information available. A record is kept of all training undertaken.

Underpinning all of this, governors at Bernards Heath Junior School fully respect the requirement to act in the best interests of the school at all times, being open and transparent, operating with integrity and honesty. At the start of each academic year, all governors sign Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE), the Code of Conduct*, and complete the Register of Interests* in which any business or pecuniary interests are declared, details of any other educational establishments they govern, together with any close links or relationships between governors and members of the school staff including spouses, partners and relatives. In addition, it is routine practice for any conflicts of interests to be declared if and when they arise during any governor discussions or meetings. Governors are also very aware of all e-safety issues; in addition to ensuring that all appropriate guidelines, policies and procedures are in place, each governor also signs the school’s ICT Acceptable Use Agreement*.

(* The signed BHJS Governors’ Code of Conduct, Register of Interests and ICT acceptable use Agreement are available to view upon request to the school office)

What is our role?

We work in partnership with the Headteacher, who is our principal professional advisor, to ensure that the best possible all-round education is being provided for all the children in a high quality learning environment, making the most effective use of the resources available to the school and in compliance with all statutory regulations and procedures. Whereas the day-to-day management and teaching and learning are the responsibility of the Headteacher supported by his senior leadership team, the governors have a strategic role holding the school to account for overall standards and acting as “critical friends” by offering encouragement and support, but also by providing honest and candid feedback - in short, by challenging constructively.

How do we work?

The role of school governor does involve a significant commitment, but our work is planned in a structured way to recognise and accommodate other work and personal commitments. The full governing body has five formal evening meetings during the school year, and an additional planning meeting at the start of September. All governors also work on one of the following two committees, which meet at least once a term:

  • Resources, with responsibility for all finance, premises and staffing aspects
  • Standards and Curriculum Development (S&CD), with responsibility for monitoring school performance and the provision and delivery of a broad, balanced and effective curriculum.

Governors participate in termly meetings with the teaching staff through the Curriculum Leadership Teams, and take part in structured and focused visits during the school day to see how the theory translates into activities in the classroom and around the school and hear from the children themselves.

Governors communicate with parents via a termly newsletter on a variety of issues, including notification of vacancies on the governing body, and through the annual Spring Term parental questionnaire. We also meet informally with parents at a variety of school events throughout the school year.

There is a very high level of attendance by governors at both Full Governing Body and Committee meetings. Apologies are required when attendance at a meeting is not possible and any non-attendance is always considered by governors and recorded in the minutes. There have been no occasions where meetings have not been quorate and no unacceptably low levels of attendance or commitment by any governor.

All full governing body and committee meeting minutes are available to read upon request to the school office, together with full information on attendance at meetings over the past year.

How to contact the governing body

If you wish to contact the governors on a specific issue or would just like to find out more about the work of the governing body, please do so via the school office by telephone, email or letter.


JEREMY HAZLEHURST Parent Governor, Chair of Governors

First appointed 8.10.2020; Current term of office expires 7.10.2024

Responsibilities: Co-Chair of Governors, Headteacher’s Performance Appraisal Committee, Designated Safeguarding Governor, Designated Pupil Premium Governor, Standards & Curriculum Development Committee member, Resources Committee member

Jeremy has two children, one of whom is currently at Bernards Heath and one who recently left for secondary school. He has worked as a journalist for 20 years, mostly writing about business, finance and leadership. Before that, he taught English as a foreign language in several countries. He has a keen interest in sport and its role in helping children’s development. He previously ran a table tennis club at the school and currently coaches a local children's football team.  

Meeting Attendance 2022-2023: FGB 5/5, S&CD 3/3, RC 4/4

Register of Interest:  N/A (2022-2023), N/A (2023-2024)


CHRISTINE HOOD Co-opted Governor, Resources Committee Chair, Vice-Chair of Governors

First appointed 1.06.2014; Current term of office expires 18.05.2026

Responsibilities:, Vice-Chair of Governors, Headteacher’s Performance Appraisal Committee, Pay Committee, Resources Committee Chair, Designated CLA/PLA Governor

Christine has been a secondary school teacher (Head of Department and Head of Year) for thirty five years and Teacher Governor for over thirty of those years; has experience through her Trade Union roles of dealing with personnel issues, policy drafting and negotiations with Headteachers and Local Authority Officers at the highest levels.

Meeting Attendance 2022-2023: FGB 5/5,  RC 4/4

Register of Interest: N/A (2022-2023) N/A (2023-2024)


CHUAN HONG.  Co-opted Governor, Standards & Curriculum Development Committee Chair

First appointed 13.07.2021; Current term of office expires 12.07.2025

Responsibilities: Standards & Curriculum Development Committee Chair, Headteacher’s Performance Appraisal Committee

Chuan currently works at PepsiCo, leading Commercial Strategy & Revenue Management for Walkers, PepsiCo's UK; a snacks division worth over £1.4bn in retail sales. Chuan feels strongly that the best institutions, whether it be educational or corporate, have a diversity of views and believes in the importance of setting people up for “success” when they are young and that being a school governor is a great opportunity to do this. 

Meeting Attendance 2022-2023: FGB 4/5, S&CD 3/3

Register of Interest: N/A (2022-2023), N/A (2023-2024)


SIAN MURRAY Co-opted Governor

First appointed in 20.09.04 as a parent governor; converted to co-opted governor. Current term of office expires 7.05.2027

Responsibilities: Designated SEND Governor, Headteacher’s Performance Appraisal Committee, Standards & Curriculum Development Committee member

As the parent of two daughters who attended BHJS, and having been a governor here since 2004, Sian has seen the school go through many changes, including those in leadership, teaching staff, support staff and governors, as well as watching its expansion regarding pupil numbers. She has been a primary school teacher in Herts since 1988 and brings to the governing body a wide-ranging knowledge and experience of changes in national and local education from several perspectives. 

Meeting Attendance 2022-2023: FGB 5/5, S&CD 2/3

Register of Interest: N/A (2022-2023), N/A (2023-2024)


CORNIEL QUAK Co-opted Governor

First appointed 15.09.2022; Current term of office expires 14.09.2026

Responsibilities: Designated Wellbeing Governor, Standards & Curriculum Development Committee Member

Corniel is a Church of England Priest, currently based at St Saviour’s Church, St Albans and is husband to Kim and father to two daughters (14 and 10). Before Corniel became an Anglican Priest, he founded and ran a Fairtrade coffee company for 10 years.  Corniel also worked for 3 years with vulnerable children and young people as a Residential Social Worker in the Peak District, as well as shorter stints of part-time work in hospitality and online marketing in between and whilst studying Psychology. Having run his own business for 10 years, he is able to think creatively and imaginatively to solve problems or improve on performance. His time as a director also gave him experience of financial management. In his role as a Priest, he meets with a wide variety of people, and this often involves a lot of listening and making informed judgements. As a parent he feels he can offer some insights into what children and young people find important about education.

Meeting Attendance 2022-2023: FGB 3/5, SDC 1/3, RC 2/4

Register of Interest: N/A (2022-2023), N/A (2023-2024)



KELLIE JONES Parent Governor

First appointed 28.11.2022; Current term of office expires 27.11.2026

Responsibilities: Resources Committee member

Kellie has two children in BHJS; one in year 6 and one in year 4. She has personal experience of the school from a parent perspective and will bring that insight to the role. Kellie is a disputes lawyer with twenty years experience, dealing with commercial and property disputes and identifying and managing risks. Skills she hopes to bring to the role. 


Meeting Attendance 2022-2023: FGB 1/3, S&CD 1/2, RC 1/3


Register of Interest: N/A (2022-2023), N/A (2023-2024)



First appointed 14.09.2023; Current term of office expires 13.09.2027

Responsibilities: tba

Graham has two children at the school, both of whom also attended the Infant school. Graham’s occupational experience has included a variety of roles which have given him the opportunity to work with people from a wide range of backgrounds. Along with being naturally analytical, Graham hopes that this is something which will be particularly beneficial as a Governor. Outside of work, Graham’s interests are similarly varied and include collecting letters from World War 1 as well as helping to coach both boys’ and girls’ football teams.

Meeting Attendance 2022-2023: n/a

Register of Interest: N/A (2023-2024)


ELEANOR MACK Parent Governor

First appointed 14.09.2023; Current term of office expires 13.09.2027

Responsibilities: tba

Eleanor has a son in year 4 at BHJS, and was previously a parent governor at a federation of three primary schools in London. She is an economist, provides strategic regulatory advice to boards and CEOs, and has worked in HM Treasury. This means she brings an understanding of good governance and the challenges of leading in an area that is affected by changes in government policy. She has a love of learning and is committed to everyone being able to achieve their full potential.

Meeting Attendance 2022-2023: n/a

Register of Interest: N/A (2023-2024)


PAUL PRITCHARD Associate Member

First appointed 17.09.2007 as a parent governor, converted to Local Authority governor after first term and resigned in 2018. Appointed as an associate member 01.12.2020; Current term of office expires 14.09.2026

Responsibilities: Designated Health & Safety Governor, Resources Committee member

Paul has a wide and varied range of professional experience including: 7 years of Armed Forces training as part of the Royal Navy as a leader in various lines, such as firefighting and emergency scenarios; 6 years’ experience in the building trade supplying equipment to both industrial and domestic sites; and for the past 22 years has been running his own financial services company advising clients from both the personal and corporate sectors on financial planning. With such a wide-ranging background, pragmatic approach, positive work ethic and good communication skills at all levels, he is able to bring a wealth of knowledge, common sense and empathy to the governing body, as well as a drive to get things done. He has also demonstrated his strong sense of wanting to help the younger generation through personal involvement in differing charity challenges to raise both awareness and funds.

Meeting Attendance 2022-2023: FGB  3/5, RC 4/4

Register of Interest: N/A (2022-2023), N/A (2023-2024)


HELEN BELLWOODResigned 13.02.24Co-opted Governor, Co-Chair of Governors

First appointed 4.10.2018; Current term of office expires 14.09.2026

Responsibilities: Co-Chair of Governors, Pay Committee, Resources Committee member, Standards & Curriculum Development Committee member

Helen is a chartered accountant, having trained with KPMG and subsequently worked in senior finance roles at various FMCG and retail organisations. She brings considerable financial expertise to the Board and, is passionate about supporting the school.  She has two children, one in the Junior school and one in the Infant School, and so also brings personal experience of the school from a parent perspective.


Meeting Attendance 2022-2023: FGB 4/5, S&CD 2/3, RC 3 /4


Register of Interest:  N/A (2022-2023) tbc (2023-2024)

PAUL SCOURFIELD . resigned 13.02.24 Parent Governor

First appointed 10.12.2021; Current term of office expires 9.12.2025

Responsibilities: Safeguarding Governor, Resources Committee member

Paul is a father of six children, two of which are still currently pupils at BHJS. Professionally, Paul has a background in senior IT management, working in financial services and more recently in the private healthcare sector, with extensive experience of leadership roles for many years in a variety of organisations. Having interacted with the school and its teaching staff for over ten years, including the SEND team, Paul feels that his experiences in both his professional and personal life are well placed to add valuable contribution to the school’s governing body.

Meeting Attendance 2022-2023: FGB 4/5, RC 3/ 4

Register of Interest: N/A (2022-2023), tbc (2023-2024)


CHARLOTTE PARKINSON resigned 20.12.23 Local Authority Governor

First appointed 5.10.2016 as a parent governor; converted to local authority governor.  Current term of office expires 4.10.2024

Responsibilities:  Designated Safeguarding Governor, Resources Committee member

Charlotte has four children all of which have attended BHJS, giving her a good working knowledge of the school as well as experience as a service user. As a governor, she is a link between home and school, ensuring that parent/carer perspectives are always considered. She has many years experience working for a leading children’s charity and volunteering with a local youth group, with specific knowledge around safeguarding.

Meeting Attendance 2022-2023: FGB 5/5, RC 2/4

Register of Interest: N/A (2022-2023), tbc (2023-2024)


LISA PITMAN resigned 20.12.23 Co-opted Governor

First appointed 10.12.2021; converted to co-opted governor. Current term of office expires 13.09.2027

Responsibilities: Designated Training Governor, Sports Premium Governor, Standards & Curriculum Development Committee member

Lisa has two daughters, one at the Junior school and the other at the Infant school. Working within Further Education for the past eleven years, Lisa is currently a Client Director at Warwick Business School (WBS). This role involves consulting with global businesses across the areas of Strategy, Leadership, Change, Culture, Innovation, Sustainability, Diversity & Inclusion, Digital Transformation and much more, all topics that the school will also be facing day to day. Lisa is also an accredited Executive Coach.  With particular interest in the role that Compassionate Leadership has for both business and the educational system, Lisa hopes to learn as much from the school as to be able to offer valuable insights and guidance to them in her tenure as Governor.

Meeting Attendance 2022-2023: FGB 3/5, S&CD 1/3

Register of Interest: N/A (2022-2023) tbc (2023-2024)

MARTIN OTTER Resigned 04.09.2023

First appointed 15.09.2022; Current term of office expires 14.09.2026

Responsibilities: Designated Pupil Premium and Children Looked After Governor, Standards & Curriculum Development Committee member tbc, Resources Committee member tbc

Martin has extensive experience of education, gained from over ten years’ experience as a classroom practitioner (EYFS to KS2) and more recently as a school leader. Martin is currently Deputy Head (Academic) at St Mary’s School, Hampstead, where he has developed and improved the curriculum, rolling out a new creative curriculum approach. He is also responsible for whole school assessment procedures and oversees the professional development for all teaching staff as well as arranging external training opportunities and links with other local schools. As a member of the Senior Leadership Team, he is closely involved in the day-to-day running of the school, including all budgetary decisions, operational concerns, and of course safeguarding as the Deputy DSL. As a supportive colleague who has the children at the heart of what he does, Martin feels he now has the breadth of knowledge and understanding of what good learning looks like, and how a school can be run well. Martin has seen first-hand the impact of effective governance in a school.

Meeting Attendance 2022-2023: FGB 0/5, SCD 1/3, RC 1/4


LIAM O’CONNOR Term of Office ended 18.03.2023

First appointed as an Associate Governor on 22.11.2018. Converted to parent governor on 19.3.2019; Current term of office expires 18.3.2023

Responsibilities: Designated Sports Premium Governor (lead), Resources Committee member

Liam is a Finance Director with nearly 20 years’ experience in the hospitality industry, having worked at Zizzi Restaurants, Soho House, Hilton Hotels, Orchid Pub Group and Shoreditch Bar Group. He is currently the Finance Director for the Big Chill bars and Camino tapas restaurants in London. Liam has lived in St Albans for many years, and has two children, one in the junior school and one who recently moved on to secondary school after four happy and successful years at Bernards Heath Junior School. 


Meeting Attendance 2022-2023: FGB 2/2, RC  1/2












BHJS governing body also benefits from the expertise of four Associate Members: PAUL PRITCHARD, JOHN REYNOLDS (Deputy Headteacher), FAE HONEYBELL (SENDCo/Assistant Headteacher) and HELEN REGAN (School Business Manager) and who attend Governing Body meetings as and when appropriate. Both as a governing body and school as a whole, we work in close liaison with our linked school, Bernards Heath Infant & Nursery School.

How to contact the governing body

If you wish to contact the governors on a specific issue or would just like to find out more about the work of the governing body, please do so via the school office by telephone, email, or letter.